Our Promise

It's easy for your child to feel overwhelmed by the load of homework they have and they tell you -->

Not to worry! Brain Builders ensures that your child receives quality, one-on-one individualized tutoring services in the privacy of your home or agreed upon location.
In one case, a Brain Builders client noticed a drastic improvement after just 4 months of tutoring services. Prior to tutoring, a fourth grader at Mililani Mauka, was reading at a third grade level. Recently, she tested at a fourth grade reading level after just 4 months of tutoring services with Brain Builders.

In another case, a client retained Brain Builders to provide home schooling services 3x a week. Each session was 3 hours and includes all the curriculum that is offered in the Hawaii Department of Education system. Ben, a first grader, started tutoring services with Brain Builders in August 1999. He was unable to read or write his last name and even had difficulty with letter identification. After 3 months, he was able to write his last name, read basic words and started to add and subtract with and without re-grouping! He took weekly spelling tests consisting of 5 words when previously he was unable to read a single word.

Michael, a Brain Builder client for several years, continues to progress in all academic areas after suffering from reading comprehension problems. His latest assessment showed that he increased his vocabulary skills from a 3rdgrade level to a 9th grade level. He is an 8th grader at Mililani Middle School. He celebrated a major academic achievement: Honor Roll (3rd quarter) for the first time ever!
Xena, a post office worker for over two decades, failed the math section on her promotional exam to become a postmaster twice. After two tutoring sessions, she passed it, and is enjoying a substantial raise in addition to the prestige of becoming a respected postmaster.

Education is a constant process that continues throughout our adult life. Brain Builders provides a solid foundation for children to utilize their potential. Students learn how to increase their self-esteem, problem solve, improve their grades as well as instill the notion that education must remain a top priority in their lives.

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